
"distance means so little when someone mean so much"

1st years! but he said "No, isn't. I have been waiting for you for a long ago" . Yes I know and we are not on the perfect situation and may I not always be able to accompany you all the time and its doesn't matter for you and be there to support me on whatever I do, it is just everything to me. Our lives don't always turn out the way we planned.

1st years, we share everything (my Homework of course :p ) , we laughed , I mad as always and you just give in and we know to find a way to make the most of it.

1st years, I just want to thank for you, I thank for always be here or there to me, thank for everything you have done, thank for always waiting always love me whatever I am. And insha Allah our relationship working with Allah SWT. Just waiting the time comes ;) Amiinn


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